So excited for April 1st!

This was our glow dance party from March 23rd. It was a hot mess of awesome and took place on Google Hangouts. We are not very good dancers, so we need you to come show us how it's done!
We plan to hold glow dance parties at the end of every Camp Yampire session, but this is a fun exception on April 1st at 11PM/23:00 EDT in ZOOM to mark this silly holiday. Don't forget to RSVP so we can send you the password to join!
What to Know About our Glow Parties:
What do I need to bring?
Glow it up with us! Wear silly hats, dress in neon colors and activate some glow sticks if you have them. Pour a drink of your choice for the community cheers. And if you have party lights? You are our kind of people. Set them up and get ready for a great time with us!
Will I, a camper, be on the Zoom Room camera or mic?
Not this time. But, we will be opening up the option at future glow dances for people to show us their glow setup and sweet dance moves!
Will there be group dancing?
Of course! Think electric slide and cupid shuffle.
What sort of music will be played?
Top 40 radio edit dance music, with some old school beats thrown in.
Do you have a DJ?
Coming soon, hopefully! Please send your applications our way!
Do you take song requests?
Absolutely! Make a song request on the CONNECT page. Please make sure your song request has an edited version for us to use.
What sort of experience am I in for?
Lots of lights, rump rattlin' beats, and no bad vibes allowed - keep your hate outside the zoom room and just jump around with us for a bit.
Are kids allowed?
Yes, this event is family-friendly. All songs are radio edits, but may have adult content in them, so be aware of that if little ears are listening.
Why Mondays?
Well, we didn't want to keep you too late on Sunday after the closing ceremonies of Camp Yampire. Also, isn't it fun to dance Monday into Tuesday? Back when we could go out in NYC, Mondays were the best days to grab a drink and dance - there was still energy in the air, but it wasn't so crowded you felt like it was a fire hazard to be in the room.
Where did you get all the lights?
My friend, we had all of those lights to begin with. It's kind of a thing in our casa. There are lights like the ones we have on Amazon - but even better, check the websites of your favorite local party and electronics shops and buy local.
This is definitely going to be us (in spirit)
Any other questions? Reach out. Excited to dance it out with you soon!
Love and light,
Yam & Pie