Are you bored sheltering-in-place, friend? You shouldn't be. One major silver lining of this situation is that we are at an incredible place in time when technology can keep us connected, entertained, and having fun.

One incredible thing that has risen from the fire that is 2020 is the full embrace of events online. Be it through zoom, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram live, to Google Hangouts, and more, we have a number of ways to learn, listen, explore, create, move, connect, and play. I have been assembling a list over the past week of events and activities that have been passed to me through social media and email, and I wanted to share with you, to share with others. This list will be updated as I find more content, but for now, please enjoy a curated collection of remote events you can join into and activities you can peruse on your own time. Have an event we missed? Let us know in the comments. Let's make the most of our time indoors, friends! Take care of one another.
Love and light,
I'll start with the most obvious way to join in the fun - Camp Yampire Glow Dance Parties!

305 Fitness Classes
Sputnik Yoga Classes
BroadwayWorld Living Room Concerts #campyampire #whimsyinthemidstofchaos #allinthistogether #stayinside